Monday, November 7, 2011

Sometimes (more often than not) I wish the Atlantic Ocean was a little bit smaller...

"So what did you do over fall break?" was the question of the day.  How do you explain using a simple sentence that you went back home to the United States (a country that 80% of French people will never see in their lifetime) and to do the best you could to take care of your sick mommy while suffering from incredible jet lag?  You explain it to some; however, to other you just nod, smiling, and simply say, "Je n'ai pas fais grandes choses." (Oh you know, I didn't really do much).

Benoit had told me Friday night that almost all of the candle space in front of the statue of Mary in Saint Donation's Church was completely filled.  I am not surprised.  Most of my friends and their families attended this church and are also aware that my little mommy is not exactly up to par.  So just so you know again, Mom, there are many candles and prays dedicated to you here in France.

I pose another question, one a bit more lighter than the first.  "Why do French people sometimes seem to feel so entitled?"  It's not such a bad trait to have, even though it often has a negative connotation.  For example, on the plane ride back to France, there was a French man who asked for 3 complimentary beverages with his dinner, an extra dessert, two apple streudels in the morning, and succeeded at stuffing one blanket in his bag with another one around his neck, acting as a scarf!  Now, to me at first I was a bit offended; however, if you think about it, you are paying over $1,000 for the flight so why not milk it for all you can?  I don't know.  I am still up in the air about the concept of having the right to "free things" on an airplane.

Bonjour Maman! I am going back to France because both you and I know that is where I belong; however, I could have used a couple more days (or better yet weeks) with you!  I miss you and love you!

Good news.  I have my first ever business lunch with my future boss on Friday, November 18th.  And it was HIM that asked me to have lunch!  Any thoughts on what I should wear??

Bad news.  First day back in Angers and I was greeted by smelly, barking dogs, my landlord in her lovely pajamas, and NO electricity (i.e. no heat, no internet, no light, no nothing).  Luckily, by the time I came back from class around 7pm, everything was back to normal, including the smelly, barking dogs. 

Hello, smelly,  annoying, oh my goodness sometimes I wish I had a very large heavy object, YOU!  I missed you!

1 comment:

  1. Miss you too, honey, but you are where you belong. Well, maybe not exactly with the smelly dogs . . . :-)
