Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Around the World in 80 days or rather "Around the Region of Brittany in 4"

I apologize for the delay and the lack of blogposts this past week and again a HUGE apology for you, Mom, for not calling on Sunday.  I never realized how beautiful and exciting life can be (even though it rains about every other day in Brittany) when "flying by the seat of your pants."

Realizing that we don't exactly have the monetary means at the moment to top our Venise vacation last summer (picture below):

Benoit and I decided to take a roadtrip and explore the coast of Brittany.  With only a map (and no not any electronic GPS, but a real paper map that is absolutely impossible to refold),the signs lining the French round-abouts (there is no such thing as a "left turn" in France), and my wonderful sense of direction to guide us (kidding--I have absolutely no internal sense of orientation).  So Tuesday morning at approximately 9:30am, we were off to our first destination, Cancale, home of the "Oyster Market."

Luckily, the weather was abnormally beautiful when we arrived at Concale.  The restaurants along the shoreline were jammed packed with natives, tourists, and exotic seafood.  By the recommendation of friend to skip the expensive restaurant, Benoit and I made our way to the oyster market where we were able to buy 2 dozen oysters, 2 lemons, and the option of tossing leftover shell on the seaside.  

MMMM! Slimy...

Lesson number 1 while eating oysters:  They are still alive, so you better chew well or else you will have a live oyster living in your stomach for about 2 hours after consumation.  Thanks Benoit for telling me AFTER the fact, therefore explaining why I had such a bad stomach ache.  I had a dozen slimy creatures  swimming around in my body!!

AH! Unexpected guest arriving in 5 minutes and in my pj's... definitely a French "faux pas" to say the least!

To be continued...

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