Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A few "downs" compared to many "ups"

Now there are a few American comforts that I am certainly starting to miss and wonder if I will ever get used to these drastic changes.

1) Benoit and I still have no washing machine.  I haven't done a load of laundry since I arrived almost a month ago.  (See, Dad, having what may be considered too many clothes actually worked out to my advantage).  The dirty laundry is starting to creep from the bathroom into the entry way.  I try not to be too hard on Benoit about biting the bullet and buying a washing machine because he just bought a new car,

but he needs to understand that A) I am a girl and do not feel comfortable turning my underwear inside out nor drying myself off with a smelly towel and B) even though it is very sweet of Benoit's mother offer me the occasion to do a load of laundry at her house, I somehow feel very uncomfortable washing my "unmentionables" in my boyfriend's mother's washing machine.  

2) Taking a shower with an attached showerhead.  Most showers in France have a handheld, detatchable focet which permits you to manually spray and wash your body.  However, the handle on which you reattach the showerhead is located by your feet.  Logical, right?  Maybe to a european, but I prefer to have my shower water constantly running from head to toe during the total duration of my shower.  I will definitely have to take some time to "warm up" to these strange types of showers (no pun intended).

Him and I are currently not on good terms right now.

Last weekend, my former host family invited me to spend the weekend with them at the beach.  We had absolutely gorgeous weather and it was wonderful to once again spend time with them, in addition to eating the wonderful meals prepared by Madame Gaumain.  Here are some of the pictures I took while I was in Pouliguen, which is located here:

Benoit is leaving this weekend for a family reunion in the south of France, so I promise to post more blogs by the end of this week!

1 comment:

  1. You might just have to make your way to the laundromat. Nice car, though!
