I am so amazed by how fast time flies. To think that it was exactly 2 years ago that I first arrived in France, not speaking a single word except for the basic essentials such as "bonjour" and "merci"; and now I am about to embark on a who new and different kind of journey.
Benoit was kind enough to help me move in to my new "apartment" in Angers yesterday evening. Once again, being the wonderful and curtious man that he is, he carried by 50 lbs suitcase up 3 flights of stairs. There, we were greeted by my landlord and she gave us a brief tour of the place. The first thing that popped out of my mouth when I saw my new room was, "C'est enorme!" (It's huge!).
My bed is quite comfy and the internet connection here is fast and efficient (we can finally skype whoever wants too!) The only thing that seems to be missing from the usual "American comforts of home" would be a closet/dresser--I only have a small rack resembling a suitcase rack of a bellhop--and a door to the shower--the only thing blocking the shower from the rest of the apartment is a thick curtain.
The shower thing wouldn't bother me if there wasn't, who I now call, "curious George" in the next room over. Apparently, there is another person renting a room in the apartment; however, we haven't met yet. I think that his name is George because there is a post-it note on the fridge with three cell phone numbers: Sophie's (the landlord), my own, and "George's." We also apparently share a bathroom, for I saw his glasses, razor, and toothbrush on the sink. He had already left by the time I woke up and got out of bed to make myself a cup of tea, but hopefully tonight I will solve the mystery and "Curious George" will not be so curious anymore.
First day of school today. I am all set to go with new folders, pencils, pens, paper, and an agenda; however, I didn't have the chance to by a new "back to school outfit this year." I have absolutely NO IDEA how the university system words in France because the last time I attended the University of Nantes to years ago, I had the direction of my study abroad program. This time around, I am on my own and the only thing I know for the moment is that at precisely 2pm I must be present in room number 38 of the IPLV building. Bonne chance Laura!
Oui--bonne chance Laura! Tu es sympa et sociable. It is your new adventure and you'll do fine! Can't wait to hear more about George.