Monday, September 5, 2011

A "Petite" Briefing...

Although life seems to roll at a slower pace here in France, the adventures that I've had thus far are numerous and I am having trouble keep up with all of the updates! From taking a tour of Brittany, to renting motor boats, temporarily moving to Benoit's family's beach house, going shrimp fishing, recently experiencing my second French bachelorette party (otherwise known in French as "l'enterrement de vie de jeune fille=burial of the bachelorette--don't worry, details to follow), I apologize for the fact that life seems to be flashing before my eyes, but oh boy oh boy am I enjoying the view!!

To conclude the roadtrip that Benoit and I took, here is a briefing of some of the last things we saw and did together:

1) Taste testing of hard cider at a "ciderie," (thank you Benoit for making me finish all of your glasses because you were driving--obviously, afterwards I took a nice nap in the car) and bought a whole case of hard cider...oops.

2) Playing with some huge rocks.

3) Stealing corn and picnicing on the seaside.

 4) and finally buying a big stone house with a beautiful garden--haha just kidding, I wish!

I would say that our roadtrip was a GREAT SUCCESS!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice! I love "your" house and didn't know that you could get corn-on-the-cob in France.
